In this edition, we’ll catch up on the most interesting things that have happened in the PHP world over the last couple of months. With Brent joining the PhpStorm team we want to experiment with some new things, so stay tuned! Just like Blade, we have also been improving our Twig support.It has been a while since the PHP Annotated Monthly was online, so hopefully we are back on track. We plan to continue improving our Blade template engine support. You can see the full list of fixed issues in our issue tracker. WI-40358 Blade: inside block throws “Directive is not closed”.WI-25667 Blade: formatting blocks are not aligning if there is a HTML comment after a closing tag.

Better psalm and generic annotation support.Improved support for autocompletion in Blade templates.Let’s dive in! What’s new? Frameworks and languages You can download PhpStorm 2022.1 here and read through this post to learn about all the new features and improvements inside. This new major PhpStorm release includes improved Blade and Twig support, added functionality to docblock type annotations and attributes, a bunch of new and useful inspections, several improvements to the editor, and more.